Military Graduation Cords can be used for the JROTC, ROTC, Veterans, and new high school enlistees in the Armed Forces of the United States. The colors generally used for these graduation cords are Red White and Blue, and are often given to veteran graduates. However, different colors can be used for military honor cords at the discretion of the school. For example if Red White and Blue Graduation Cords are already being used by another organization, and the school only wants one organization per type of cord, an enlistee, veteran, or cadet might wear a graduation cord of the color of his or her branch of the armed forces. Green ropes or Black ropes paired with Gold Honor Cords for Army (as High School Seniors enlisting in the Army in Washington and Oregon States began doing in 2010), Royal Blue Graduation Cord for Air Force, Navy Blue Graduation Cord for Navy, Red for Marine Corps Honor Cord, and Orange for the Coast Guard Honor Cord.
Having military students wear graduation cords in the colors of the flag is a great way to show patriotism, and to honor the student that has, or will serve in the Armed Forces. There is some amount of controversy surrounding the wearing of honor cord for high school enlistees in the armed forces. One school official has been quoted as saying that giving graduation cords to enlistees is a "slippery slope," and that if they are giving awards out for future careers then why not for firefighters, nurses, and policemen. One problem with this line of logic is that by graduation time the graduating senior has already enlisted, and that alone is an accomplishment. Besides this many High School recruits participate in the split entry program and complete basic training prior to their senior year. Furthermore, many vocations do have clubs that give out honor cords, such as DECA and FBLA for business, FFA for farming, and HOSA for medical professions (such as nursing).
The idea of wearing graduation cords to honor military members, veterans, cadets, or recruits does not of course need to stop at US JROTC and ROTC. Members of the armed forces in any country could show their patriotism and honor their flag and what fighting for it stands for in their country. For example, military members in Canada might wear a red and white military graduation cord, as those are the colors of the Canadian Flag. Other red and white cord that have ties to the military are Theta Chi Graduation Cords. Theta Chi was Founded by two military cadets at Norwich University.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.