Burnt Orange Graduation Cords from Honors Graduation are a very attractive shade of orange that is a tad darker than the orange honor cords. When you order Burnt Orange Graduation Honor Cords from our site you will be receiving a quality product in 4 to 6 days or sooner depending on the shipping option you choose. Our Burnt Orange Honor Cords can be ordered singly, or as a double cord. As a double cord burnt orange can be combined with any other color. It is commonly combined with white to make the colors of the University of Texas. We have no minimum order size for burnt orange cords, and we also have bulk discounted pricing. So whether you are ordering a lot or a little you can get the Burnt Orange Cords you need here.
Due in part to the popularity of High Profile Universities, such as the previously mentioned University of Texas, along with Virginia Tech University (Maroon and Burnt Orange), and Auburn University (Navy Blue and Burnt Orange), there are many High Schools across the nation that have also adopted Burnt Orange as one of their colors. Burnt Orange Graduation Cords are then also a good option at these schools for a club or organization that wants to wear its school colors. Oklahoma State University and the University of Montana also used to use burnt orange, but no longer do.
The term burnt orange was first recorded as being used in 1915. Similar colors to burnt orange include: Alloy Orange and Princeton Orange. Rust is also close to burnt orange, though rust is closer to red than burnt orange is. The color rust is a combination of orange, red and brown.
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