Greek letter organizations, more commonly referred to as fraternities and sororities, are societies that use the names of Greek letters to identify themselves, and are most often associated with colleges and universities in North America. Greek letter organizations sometimes use honor cords to designate membership at their school commencement ceremonies, particularly if the society has a focus on academic success. These Greek letter organization graduation cords can come in any color, and are usually chosen from one or more of the society's colors.
Greek letter organizations are usually extremely exclusive, with membership being open only to those who show the most school spirit, the most academic prowess, or the most interest on philanthropy and service. Philanthropy is often associated with Greek letter organizations, as several are known for their service to the school and the community. These service oriented Greek letter organizations in particular provide an excellent opportunity for students to grow and improve themselves, as they focus on the needs of those around them. Rewarding members of Greek letter organizations with an honor cord can be a great way to encourage students to continue to improve the world around them by educating themselves and offering acts of service as much as possible. Honor cords are an excellent way to positively reinforce the lessons your students have learned while participating in a Greek letter society, whether they are graduating from college or high school. Greek letter organizations often use honor cords that are in the society's colors, but feel free to be creative as you decide how best to reward your students.

Our graduation cords are perfect for honoring students who have been a part of a Greek letter organization. Honors Graduation offers cords in a wide variety of colors, like burnt orange and burgundy, and are of the highest quality rayon. With our amazingly low flat shipping rate of only $4.00, and excellent deals on bulk orders, you know you'll be getting the cords you need quickly and at the lowest price. Count on Honors Graduation for all your commencement needs, and you'll be sure to have a graduation ceremony that looks professional, runs smoothly, and fills your graduates with pride at their achievements.