French honor society Graduation Cords from Honors Graduation are Red, White and Blue, just like the colors of the French Flag. The phrase 'French honor society' can refer to any one of several honor societies dedicated to helping students with an interest in the French language. They are usually for undergraduate and graduate students of the French language. Generally, honor societies will use the Red White and Blue Honor Cord as those are the national colors of France. We are not affiliated with any French honor societies or an official supplier of French Honor Society graduation cords, but would be happy to help provide your club or organization with red, white, and blue cords for your special occasion.
Why are Red, White and Blue the colors of France, and therefore of the French honor societies? The French flag, known as the Tricolore, was adopted in 1794 during the French Revolution. In the French Revolution the Paris Militia used a flag of red and blue, the traditional colors of Paris. Lafayette had a white stripe added to make the flag a national flag, as white had traditionally been the color of France. Today it translates very nicely into a tricolor graduation cord representing the Republic of France and their beautiful language taught throught the nation and world.
Students or administrators who participate in any club, organization, or honor society and wish to help recognize their efforts and achievements should look to our red, white, and blue cords in their upcomming graduation.
Our red white and blue graduation cords are available for much lower prices, often half the price of the cords available through other provider's websites. At Honors Graduation, we also guarantee a flat shipping rate of only $4.00, so you know your cords will arrive when you need them for much less. Honors Graduation offers a low rate for bulk orders starting at only 5 cords, so if you need red, white, and blue honor cords for your entire chapter, our low prices are the way to go. And, most importantly, our cords are of the highest quality, so you can expect graduation cords that will last much longer than the commencement ceremony, and your students will be able to cherish their cords for a very long time. Order your red white and blue cords from Honors Graduation now.
Red white and blue honor cords from honors graduation can also be used to distinguish students who have given or plan to give military service.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.