White and pink graduation cords are very fashionable and soft honor cords. They will come with braided cords which will be two parts white and one part pink. These two colors, white and pink, look very complimentary when braided together. At each end of the honor cords will be fashionable tassels to complete the honor cord.
There are numerous opportunities and functions that you could use white and pink graduation cords. The most popular of these is the commencement ceremony for graduates on graduation day. The word commencement itself means a beginning or start. This seems only appropriate that there is a commencement ceremony on graduation day to celebrate the accomplishments of the last several years of the graduates and to encourage and also celebrate the start of a new era in these graduates' lives. The white and pink graduation cords are very soft and silky in appearance. White and pink graduation cords are very significant in what they represent. They demonstrate hope, a sense of calm, energy, purity, strength and new beginnings. The white and pink honor cords will bring a sense of calmness, strength, hope and purity to your commencement ceremony. On graduation day, these lovely honor cords will coordinate well with the traditional solid cap and gown.
The white and pink honor cords can be worn as an independent honor cord or combined with other cords that graduates are awarded. If you would like to add another color to the white and pink honor cord that is also an option, making it a triple honor cord. In the triple honor cord you would have 3 ropes braided one rope of each color: white, pink and the other color you would choose. Graduation day is getting close so now is the time to get your honor cord orders in. Honors Graduation can help you with ordering all of the honor cords you would need for your graduation.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.