Most graduates have dreamt of graduation day for a very long time and now that it is finally being realized, they can barely hold back the excitement. Honor cords are an instrumental part of a commencement ceremony as it is a way for the graduates to receive awards and recognition for the areas where they achieved greatness while attending school. As they wear their white and light blue graduation cords, they will be appreciative of how fantastic they look and feel. Our white and light blue honor cords will look wonderful with the caps and gowns and will enhance the look of your commencement ceremony. The white and light blue is a soft and beautiful mixture of colors. Another way you could incorporate white and light blue into your commencement ceremony is if your school colors are white and light blue. When you award your graduates honor cords with their school colors, it brings excitement; they love wearing their school colors and having them on display through a honor cord. The white and light blue graduation cords are a perfect memento for graduates to keep after the graduation day is all over with to look back and remember this special time in their lives.
Behind every honor cord is a story and every honor cord represents certain qualities for a graduate to take with them. White honor cords symbolize independence, purity, and new beginnings and the light blue honor cords symbolize integrity, responsibility, and courage. When you blend the two colors to create the white and light blue graduation cord, it will symbolize integrity, responsibility, courage, independence, purity and new beginnings. Your graduates that receive these will love the encouragement. Now is the time to get your honor cord orders in. You will be glad you went through Honors Graduation when you see the pricing and the quality of our cords.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.