Thespian society honor cords from Honors Graduation are a great way to recognize your graduating thespians! High school is a place where students can explore their interests and excel in many different areas, and graduation exercises are the perfect time to recognize and honor them for their success. Thespian societies create opportunities for students who are particularly interested in theatre and the dramatic arts to explore their skills, meet other students with similar interests, and improve their abilities through both professional and school productions. The thespian societies reward their members for their dedication to the arts by offering them various pins, ribbons, and honor cords to wear at graduation. One option is to use traditional royal blue and gold honor cords.
Our royal blue cords and gold honor cords are made from all synthetic material, making sure your young thespians will have a long lasting token of their theatrical high school experiences. The thespian societies are more than just an opportunity for young performers to gain experience, they also offer students the chance to develop their character and grow into responsible and able members of society. In offering your student the royal blue and gold honor cord, you are giving them the recognition they deserve for their diligence and efforts in improving both themselves and the artistic world, and encouraging them in their dreams to continue in their theatrical success. Show your students your pride in their ability and confidence in their future by offering them royal blue and gold honor cords for commencement, and they will feel the confidence to try their best to reach those standards.

Royal blue and gold honor cords are available double tied, which is the most common usage, but you may also consider the intertwined, doubled royal blue and gold graduation cords instead. Though there are cords available from the International Thespian Society website, Honors Graduation offers a higher quality option for less. In addition, our checkout process is much less complicated, so you know exactly what to expect from your experience. Talk to your school administration and your local troupe director for specific instructions and permission to wear the honor cord at graduation. Acknowledge the success of your top performers, and include royal blue and gold honor cords at your commencement ceremony.
If, for whatever reason, your students were unable to participate in an official thespian society troupe, but still showed excellence and success in their dramatic endeavors, don't worry! You can make sure your students still feel special on graduation day by giving them one of our other options for drama graduation cords.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.