On Graduation day a graduate can be a bundle of nerves, excited about the day but also a little anxious. The last thing they need to worry about is what graduation cords they will be wearing. Honors Graduation can help get all of your honor cords ordered now so you can have them there and ready for your graduates in advance. We know how hectic it can be as a another school year comes to an end and we want to help you get your honor cords so you can cross one item off of your list.
The teal and black graduation cords have a countenance of sophistication to them, with the beauty of the teal against the dark ominous black the two colors make a fantastic combination. As you are looking out on all the graduates seated at their commencement ceremony and wearing their caps and gowns the teal and black graduation cords are sure to add a layer of sophistication to the ceremony. Honor cords hold a lot of meaning behind them, each color can represent something different. Whether it be for graduating with honors, or for particular achievements that were made, or even for being a member of a certain school group or activity. Each accomplishment grants different colors in their honor cords and each color combination can bring the graduates receiving them added encouragement and meaning with what they represent. The teal honor cords represent sophistication, reliability and creativity while the black honor cords represent strength and endings and beginnings. When you combine the two to create the teal and black graduation cords you create a cord that represents sophistication, reliability, creativity, and strength for your graduates not only as they come to the end of this chapter but in the new beginning they are entering into. Honors Graduation would love to ship your teal and black graduation cords today, its as easy as going to the order page and completing your purchase.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.