Graduation day is almost here and it brings so much excitement as well as trepidation for the students that will be graduating. As they get closer to this day, they are bound to take a walk down memory lane from when they started this journey up to this point. As they look back on their first year attending your school and how terrifying that transition can be at first, and then the following years as they grew confidence and experience. Possibly they look back and remember all the people they have encountered and felt thankful for the the ones that especially touched their lives and the life long friendships made. And surely they'll think back on the knowledge they have gained and how far they have come. Graduation day is a day to help with the transition of all they worked so hard to achieve and to celebrate that they made it, but it is also a day to welcome the new endeavors that they have prepared for. Universities and high schools take this day to honor and award the graduates that went above and beyond in scholastics either academically or by being active in school activities and groups. When you offer your graduates the silver and red graduation cords they will wear them with confidence and high esteem.
The silver and red graduation cord is a vibrant and sophisticated honor cord. The silver honor cords signify reflection, a sense of calm, and wisdom while the red graduation cords signify action, confident, and courage. Graduates are sure to appreciate the encouragement of the silver and red graduation cord to inspire them to reflect on the all they learned and to be courageous in moving forward. Our silver and red honor cords will come with three strands that will be beautifully twisted together, two of the strands will be silver and one of the strands will be red. All of the honor cords we offer have decorative tassels at the end of the cords. We know you will be satisfied with your silver and red honor cords. Honors Graduation can help you with all of your honor cord needs, so don't delay let's get this order in today!
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.