Our silver and green graduation cords come with three cords elegantly twisted together (two cords will be silver and one cord will be green). At the end of the cord will be tassles that will have silver and green intermixed. We have a great size for our honor cords and they are all the same length of 70 inches and 1/4 inch thick.
You may have heard graduation cords also be called honor cords. A special way to honor your graduates is by awarding them with silver and green honor cords. The shine of the silver paired with the rich green makes for a very pleasing combination and will draw attention at your commencement ceremony. Silver honor cords represent reflection, and responsibility while the green honor cords represent growth, self-reliance, and adaptability. When you combine the two cords to make the silver and green graduation cord, it can bring powerful inspiration for the graduates receiving them. Silver and green could also be your school colors and a great way for you to tie in school pride is to present your school colors in a graduation cord. Silver honor cords are commonly used by universities for honor societies. Pi Omega Pi, Sigma Lambda Chi and Lambda Sigma are all honor societies that incorporated silver into their honors. The Science National Honor Society, Phi Sigma Theta, Alpha Epsilon, and Sigma Lambda Chi are a few of the honor societies that use the green honor cords. Honors Graduation wants to make sure that you are well taken care of; we have a large assortment of colors for you to choose from and you can decide which colors you would like to put into your honor cords. Graduation day is quickly approaching so make your graduation cord purchase today and your order could arrive as quickly as 2-3 days.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.