On graduation day, a graduate can be so full of emotions! Between being anxious, excited, proud, relieved, and even a little sad for the change that is happening in their lives. Getting ready for graduation day is no easy task and on the day itself they are sure to want to look and feel great in their cap and gown and graduate attire. A very important part of a graduation is honor cords; they are a way to recognize and celebrate graduates for certain academics and achievements that were in excellence. Our silver and black graduation cord is a very classy and supreme honor cord and your graduates are sure to feel immense pride as they are awarded with one. Honor cords each signify different traits or qualities to support the graduate for their commencement ceremony and as they make the change from being a student to the next phase. Silver honor cords symbolize responsibility, wisdom, and reflection while black honor cords symbolize strength, sophisticated, and endings & beginnings. The qualities of the silver and black graduation cords combined will symbolize your graduate to feel responsible, wise, sophisticated and to reflect on the ending of one phase and a beginning of a new phase. Perfect to help give your graduates encouragement.
With the brightness of silver next to the sophisticated black the silver and black honor cords look very classy and modern and will look fantastic in the commencement ceremony. Silver and black graduation cords are a great cord to mix with any color combination. Red, blue, green, teal, white, yellow, maroon, purple, orange, pink, all would go very nicely with the silver and black honor cords. The silver and black graduation cord is a considered a double cord, which will have 3 ropes and tightly twisted together (two ropes will be silver and one rope black). At the end of the three beautifully twisted ropes will be tassles with the silver and black colors intermixed.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.