Our rust graduation cords are a solid color cord, or singular cord, that look fantastic all by themselves or you can choose to make it a double or triple honor cord by choosing to add in different colors. The double cord would be the rust color with one additional color, some colors that go nicely with rust are blue, white, black, green, or burgundy. If you would like to add even one more color to the rust honor cord making 3 colors then that would be a triple honor cord. Your graduates will love how beautiful the rust graduation cords are and how they enhance their graduation cap and gown. Another great idea for the rust graduation cords would be to combine it with a second cord to make for a double tied cord, it would look great with almost any color combination.
Our honor cords are made of rayon, a very durable material to make them not only look good but to make them long lasting. We make sure that all of our honor cords are uniform in length and thickness this way if you pair with other cords they look better together, and also so they can fit on an individual that is tall or short. All of Honors Graduation cords will be 70 inches long and 1/4 inch in diameter--this is including the tassels that come on the end. Honor cords are a traditional way to award graduates for the areas they excelled or were a part of. Each honor cord has a meaning behind it of qualities that the graduates have learned and that they can take with them as they start a new adventure. The rust graduation cord indicates structure, strength, quiet confidence and sincerity. Make sure you look at all of the other colors and variations for honor cords we have available.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.