It is important to look your best on your graduation day, at Honors Graduation we are happy to help you do just that with all of the finest graduation attire. You have put in countless hours of hard work and with an enormous amount of dedication you have successfully completed your schooling. I'm sure that throughout the course of your education, aside from all your efforts you were able to meet a few people worth remembering and most likely you created some lasting memories as well. Many students like to hang on to some kind of keepsake as a reminder to all the good times, others to remind themselves that if you stay focused anything is possible. Whatever your reason may be, a graduation tassel would be perfect. It is not uncommon for graduating students to wear graduation tassels along with their cap & gown at the time of their ceremony.

Honor students are known to wear graduation tassels that stand out from their peers in order to show that they have put in the extra effort, where most students choose to show their appreciation and school spirit by wearing their school colors for their graduation tassels. Our royal blue and silver graduation tassels would be a great solution to either of these scenarios. The royal blue really pops out and when it is accented with the silver is is absolutely stunning. Our tassels are made using only the finest materials and will last you for many years to come, you can even have a charm of your graduating year added on for a small additional fee. As family and friends gather during your graduation ceremony, be sure to take the time and reflect on all of the defining moments that have brought you to this significant day. Enjoy your celebration as you start the next chapter of your life.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Tassel Colors.