Congratulations on making it to graduation! It is no easy task to reach this point, I'm sure that you had to prove yourself a time or two and overcome a number of challenges. Hopefully along the way you were able to learn a few things and build some new friendships too. Here at Honors Graduation we can help you out with all of your graduation wardrobe needs including any accessories or knick knacks that you might want. Many graduating students like to hang their graduation tassels in their rear view mirror or put them on display in their home to remind themselves of all their hard work. We also have keychain tassels that make for an awesome keepsake, carrying them with you will boost you up and remind you that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Our keychain tassels in royal blue would be an excellent addition to you key set, we even have charms in your graduation year available as well. Tassels are typically your schools color but for your keychain they can be whatever you want.
Due to their smaller size our keychain tassels are easier to keep around compared to a set of original tassels, and thanks to the heavy duty material that we use to make them they will last you for many years to come. Each of our graduation tassels is made using rayon which is not only a very strong material but it has amazing color as well. Graduation tassels are worn at the time of graduation ceremonies because of a tradition called "The turning of the tassels" which essentially means that you have successfully completed your schooling. During this tradition students move their tassels from the right side of their cap to the left side, becoming graduates in doing so. That is why the keychain tassels are a humble reminder of how far you have come.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Keychain Tassel Colors.