Rose pink, cyan and yellow graduation cords might be exactly what you are looking for to bring your graduation outfit together while matching with your peers. The colors in this intricate option all flow together very well and go excellent with whatever color robe you choose.
After all this time, your hard work is finally about to pay off. With graduation right around the corner you can trust the pros over at Honors Graduation with all of your wardrobe needs. Graduation is the time when your loved ones all gather together to show their support and just how proud they really are of you. That is why it is so important to look your very best on this monumental day and enjoy your celebration! We know that it may not have been easy to make it to this point, students are faced with challenges day in and day out. But thanks to your never ending push, you have managed to successfully finish, proving that you are capable of completing anything that you set out to accomplish. We're sure that in addition to overcoming your struggles you built some great friendships along the way.
It is typically a requirement for graduating students to dress in a cap and gown at the time of their ceremony and most graduates choose to wear cords as well. We use only the best materials to make our graduation attire to ensure that everything is just right on your big day as well as years to come. Many graduates like to hang their graduation cords on display in their home after their ceremony to remind them of all that they have accomplished. Our graduation cords are approximately 70 in length and roughly a quarter inch around. Cords are available as a single cord, two can be tied together to make a double cord, or three tied together creates a triple cord.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.