Graduation tassels are a must at any graduation ceremony, and what could be a better way to let your patriotic students stand out than by letting them don a special red white and blue tassel on graduation day? Red white and blue graduation tassels are perfect for students who are enlisted in the military, who have completed their Eagle Scout award, or who have provided special services to the school above and beyond what is expected. If you want your most deserving students to be recognized for their efforts at their commencement ceremonies, consider offering a select few the opportunity to wear our red white and blue graduation tassels. Your students will glow with pride at being so singled out on such an auspicious occasion.

Red white and blue graduation tassels are worn by placing the loop of the tassel securely around the button of a traditional graduation cap. The tassel dangles over the front left side of the cap until the student is given their diploma, at which point the student may turn the tassel from the left side to the right. Some schools may start with the tassel on the right and turn it left, or have a special moment in the ceremony after all the students have received their diplomas, when students are instructed to turn the tassel as a class. Be sure to check with your school administrators for the details of your graduation ceremony.
Honors Graduation is a company devoted to bringing you only the very best. Our red white and blue graduation tassels are made from the highest quality rayon, so you can depend on the tassels' durability, not only through graduation day, but for years to come. Plus, with such amazingly low prices, you know you are getting the very best deals on your graduation tassels. Order your red white and blue tassels today, and don't forget to ask about our flat rate shipping, and our bulk order discounts!
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Tassel Colors.