As you end one section of your life with this graduation for your degree or another special diploma, your next journey will start soon. As family and friends come together for graduation this year it is important to remember why. Graduation is a time where students deserve to be honored with a celebration for their dedication and all of the hard work that it takes to successfully make it to this point. As you were faced with challenge after challenge I'm sure that you learned some very valuable lessons along the way. During your graduation ceremony be sure that you are able to stop for a second and take it all in, reflect on all of the friendships built and lasting memories created throughout the duration of your schooling. It is normal for graduating students to dress in a cap and gown with graduation cords during their ceremony. Honors Graduation has everything you might need for this graduation in one convenient location and it is our goal to make sure that you look your best for your unforgettable day. Our purple and red cords for graduation make a fine set. The colors are fairly opposite, thus allowing the full color of both of them to bloom.
At Honors Graduation we offer high quality graduation attire, we use only the strongest best looking materials so you know that you are going to look great. The material we use to make our graduation cords is called rayon. Our cords are made by braiding 3 strands of rayon together, in this case we make one purple and one red. We then tie the two cords to each other at the center creating the 70 inch purple and red double cord set. There is no doubt that these cords will last you, they are the perfect keepsake to hang onto to always remind yourself of all the great things you completed.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.