Purple and white graduation cords are a great way to set apart your graduates who went above and beyond while they were a student. Honor cords are a way to honor individuals for graduating with honors, being involved in a honor society, or reaching a level of excellence in academics, extracurricular school groups or school events. You can also choose to order purple and white graduation cords if your school colors are purple and white. Incorporating your school color into honor cords for your graduates is a wonderful way to show the powerful energy of your school. At the commencement ceremony, as the audience is looking at their loved graduates, the purple and white graduation cords are sure to look fabulous paired with the graduates' caps and gowns.
Every honor cord holds a special meaning and signifies certain qualities that the graduate has developed to move forward into their new beginning. The purple honor cords signify a graduate being creative, independent and a great future. The white honor cords signify a graduate being complete, being pure, and new beginnings. When you blend the two to make the purple and white graduation cords, your graduates are sure to appreciate the deep meaning and beauty of these cords. As a graduate is transiting into a new beginning, the qualities of being creative, independent, complete and pure are sure to give them reassurance for their future. The purple and white graduation cords will come with 3 strands elegantly twisted together, of the strands two will be purple and one will be white. A tassle will be at the end of the cords with both the purple and white mixed together.
The purple and white graduation cords can be a singular cord or coupled with other honor cords that graduates may also have. Honors Graduation is the place to go for honor cords. With the hundreds of colors and the option of having one, two or three colors finely twisted together you are sure to find what you need. Order your purple and white graduation cords now!
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.