Graduation time is here! Get your honor cords with us to celebrate your hard work and dedication to academics.
The purple and forest green honor cords are made up of a material called rayon. This is a very high quality rayon that feels great and looks great. The rayon helps to bring the true deep colors of the purple and forest green cords out. Not only does the rayon help to make the honor cords look great but it makes them very durable. These purple and forest green honor cords will look new for years to come!
Our purple and forest green honor cords are made of three strands.. Two of the three strands are purple and the last strand is a forest green. These three strands are twisted together to make one long cord. This twisted section of the cord measures out to 62 inches in length. The thickness of the cord is 1/4 inch. At each end of the cord is a tassel. Each tassel is four inches long. The tassels are mixed in color with both purple and forest included in the mix. From the tip of one tassel to the tip of the other, these purple and forest green honor cords measure out to 70 inches altogether.
Purple and forest green are not your usual mix. They have a unique beauty to them that stands out. The deep color of the forest green accents the purple strands well and almost outlines them. These honor cords have a gorgeous mixture in color and you will be proud to have them around your neck.
At Honors Graduation we sell nothing short of the best in quality. We believe in your awards and achievements and want to help you show off your hard work through these honor cords. Let us take part in your celebration and order with us now!
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.