Graduation is a very important point for every student, it shows that you have successfully earned your diploma or a special degree. As family and loved ones gather to celebrate be sure that you are able to pause for a moment and soak everything in, with this graduation you may now move on to your next adventure. Over the course of your schooling you were most likely faced with a number of difficult challenges, one of the most crucial lessons that you learned is that now you know you can do anything that you set your mind to with some hard work. Let us help you to look your best among your fellow graduates during your graduation ceremony. Normally students wear a cap, gown, and graduation cords, at Honors Graduation we have everything that you might need to look amazing. Our graduation cords in pink and purple are a unique way to represent yourself this graduation, the softness of the pink allows the vivid purple to flourish. Honor students and students wear graduation cords to signify their accomplishments. It is also regular for student to get cords in their school colors to show their appreciation for all that their school has done for them.
We have all of your graduation wardrobe needs here at Honors Graduation and it is our mission to help you look amazing on this unforgettable day. Our cords are given their stunning looks and insane strength from the high quality material that we use called rayon. The high quality of our graduation cords make them the ideal item to hang onto as a keepsake after your graduation. Many students keep their graduation cords on display as a symbol of all their hard work and what they have accomplished. Our graduation cords are 70 inches in length and are beautifully braided together. The individual pink and purple cords are tied at the center to create the double cord set.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.