Commencement is another word for the day of graduation but it also means a beginning or start. How appropriate for the individual who is not only celebrating the ending of one chapter but also the beginning of another! Both deserve a great celebration and to be celebrated properly. Let us help to celebrate with our beautiful honor graduation cords!
Our pink and light blue honor graduation cords help to celebrate someone's beginning in a subtle and elegant way. These cords are made of high quality rayon that is both beautiful and durable. These cords will last for years to come with great sentimental value to those who wear them. The pink and light blue cords are made up of two strands of pink and one strand of light blue twisted together to make one long cord, 1/4 inch thick, with a tassel at each end. From the end of one tassel the end of the other tassel, the cord measures 70 inches in order to lay nicely on any height.
Pink and light blue are soft colors that are not used often but have deep meaning. A high school honor society that uses pink as their color is Modern Music Masters. This is a music honor society that that recognizes students for academic and musical achievements and help to provide students with leadership opportunities as each chapter is run by students. Phi Lambda Upsilon, National Honorary Chemical Society, use blue and pink to represent their honor society in different colleges and universities.
Pink as a color is also represents calm feelings. It usually means contentment and to neutralize disorder. Light blue helps to bring tranquility and understanding. The combination of these two colors are perfect in helping the graduate to feel calm in their decisions and future endeavors. Another option to just one cord is tying a solid pink cord and a solid light blue cord together to have more volume. With our low prices both are completely affordable and worth every penny! Let us help you celebrate and order now!
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.