Matte orange graduation gowns can be a great way to show your school spirit and represent yourself at your graduation. Students graduating with their engineering degree have also been known to symbolize it by wearing an orange gown as well.
As your friends and family all come together in order to honor you for your success this graduation, it is important to look the part. At Honors Graduation we have all of your graduation wardgown necessities as well as plenty of accessories and keepsakes to get you absolutely ready for your big day. It takes an enormous amount of dedication along with your maximum efforts to make it this far. After completing all of that hard work and conquering what must have felt like endless challenges, you have more than earned this celebration. As you join your peers to accept your diploma or other special degree you now know that you can achieve your wildest of dreams as long as you keep your nose to the grindstone until the very end. Following tradition, it is most common to see graduating students dress in a graduation cap and gown at the time of their ceremony.
Here at Honors Graduation we have made your graduation shopping easier than ever with our package deals. You can choose to purchase your graduation items all separately or you can check out our Cap & Gown + Tassel option for quick checkout on your basic graduation needs. This deal comes with your graduation gown, matching cap, and a free tassel of your choice. A free tassel is included whenever you buy your graduation cap from Honors Graduation. In addition to our graduation gowns in matte we also have each color available in a shiny finish as well. We have sizes ranging from 24-66 including multiple plus sizes to accommodate for graduates with heights from just a little under 3 feet all the way up to students 7 feet tall.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Gown Fabrics and Colors.
This graduation gown is also available in Orange Shiny Fabric.