The old gold and white graduation cords are simply elegant and yet powerful, all in one. The color old gold is a darker hue than the traditional bright gold; it has the appearance of age and valor. White is stark and clean looking and represents purity, new beginning and unity. Hence the old gold and white graduation cords are very powerful in the combination of the two colors and merge valor, purity, new beginnings and unity into one honor cord. Your graduates are sure to feel strength and encouragement from these qualities. Old gold can be used as the color for a graduation cap and gown to signify a certain degree or diploma depending on the academic dress regulations. The old gold and white graduation cords look very classy and elegant when put with the old gold cap and gown but also look great with the more traditional black or other solid colored cap and gown. When you order the old gold and white honor cords they will arrive with 3 intricately braided strands (two of them old gold and one of them white) and will have a combination of the two colors in a tassel at the end of the braided cord. Since the old gold and white graduation cords are elegantly understated, they go wonderfully with almost any other colored honor cord combination that the graduates may have. Simply put, the old gold and white honor cords will bring a most beautiful addition to your commencement ceremony.
Old gold and white are very widely used school colors in the US, and what a better way to bring the unity and school pride to graduation day than to represent your school colors in a honor cord. Whatever your graduation cord needs are we have you covered. Look through all of our colors and you can decide if you want a single cord (one color), double cord (2 colors) or triple cord (three colors). Honors Graduation is known for our excellent customer service, our quality products, competitive pricing, and fast shipping.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.