Make sure to take some time this graduation to celebrate each of the individuals who have put in numerous years of dedication and have sacrificed so much to achieve their goals and make it to where they are today. You now know that you can do anything you set your mind to thanks to your own perseverance. As you were faced with challenge after challenge, hopefully you had the opportunity to make a few lasting friends and some unforgettable memories as well. With this graduation you are successfully moving on to the next portion of your life.
At Honors Graduation we are here to help you look fantastic on your important day, we have all of your graduation wardrobe needs in one convenient location. Students traditionally wear a cap, gown, and graduation cords during their ceremony. Whether you are an honor student, have received any special achievements, or if you want to show your school spirit, graduation cords are a necessity this graduation. Our graduation cord set in navy blue and silver is a striking combination. The dark navy blue is really brought out by the silver for a strong classic look, you will look great among your peers with this option.
At Honors Graduation we offer high quality graduation apparel, our graduation cords are a great thing to hang onto to remind yourself of all your hard work and success. We use a durable material called rayon to make our cords, which means not only are they strong but they also have a remarkable looks to them as well. Each of the individual cords are made by taking 3 strands of rayon and braiding them together making each separate color. To make the double cord we simply tie a navy blue and silver cord to each other at the center of the two cords.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.