The big day has finally arrived that has been anticipated for a lifetime (at least it seems), Graduation Day! All of the research, training, learning, projects, and studying that students do over the course of several years have lead them to their goal of walking across that stage in a cap and gown as their name is announced to the crowd and receiving a diploma or degree. What can make it even more iconic for the student that is graduating is being awarded an honor cord to recognize the special and extraordinary accomplishments they made while they were attending school or college. A navy blue and maroon graduation cord will do just that; your graduates will feel superb in these beautiful honor cords. Navy blue and maroon are both rich and deep colors that when paired together contrast but look very polished together. Navy blue cords bring courage, loyalty, and leadership to your graduates while maroon brings confidence, passionate, and assertive. As a graduate is graduating into this next phase of their lives, these are wonderful attributes for them to embrace and take with them.
Honor cords are awarded to student that have excelled in various activities or achievements or can be be used to tie in your school colors into your commencement ceremony. If your school's colors are navy blue and maroon then the navy blue and maroon graduation cords will bring energy and unity to your graduates. Our cords all come the in the same measurements and thickness (70 inches long and 1/4 inch thick). This is important as all of the graduates honor cords will be the same and, if they have more than one honor cord, your graduates won't have the awkwardness of one being longer or shorter. Honors Graduation offers a huge variety of colors and can help you with all of your graduation cords needs.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.