Mint Green graduation cords are a fantastic way to honor your graduates in a unique and fun way. The soothing mint color in these honor cords will be eye catching in a commencement ceremony and will be sure to impress. The mint graduation cords are classy enough to stand on their own or if desired you have the option of pairing it with complementary colors to make a double or triple cord. On the double cord it would be mint and one other color (white, black, navy blue, gold, silver, bronze and many more colors would look complimentary with mint), and on the triple cord you could have mint and two more colors. Whichever you choose our graduation cords come elegantly entwined together with 3 strands and have tassels at the end. The solid mint graduation cords would also go well against other cords that a graduate has received. You won't need to worry about our cords not being the same length all of ours come 70 inches long and 1/4 inch thick.
The mint green graduation cords represent growth, adaptability and balance. On a day as impactful as graduation day these are great qualities for your graduates to have. By honoring your graduates with the mint green honor cords whether it be for academic achievement, leadership or superior performance in a school event or club you will be encouraging them to take these qualities of being able to be adaptable, to embrace personal growth and to find balance in their lives. It is very easy and convenient to put an order in with Honors Graduation, all you have to do is go to the order page and select which options you desire for your graduation cords. We make sure to expedite our shipping and you should receive your graduation cords within 2-3 days. You will be very pleased with our honor cords.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.