If you are graduating this year, check out Honors Graduation for all of your graduation attire wants and needs. We have everything that you may need to complete your outfit and look spectacular on this monumental day. Graduation is the perfect time to celebrate the individuals who have put in so much hard work to reach this point successfully, when friends and family come together to honor the dedication of their beloved student. Our maroon and white graduation tassels are an excellent way to accent your outfit in a robust way. In addition to a cap and gown, graduating students typically wear a tassel as well during the time of their graduation ceremony. A tassel in your school colors is most common to show your school spirit, as for honor students, they usually wear a unique tassel to set themselves apart and show their special achievements. As you move closer to your next adventure with the successful completion of this one be sure to reflect on all of the trials that you were faced with along the way, although you may have made numerous friends as well as endless memories, graduation is no easy task.

It is our goal here at Honors Graduation to help you look your best among your fellow classmates on your big day and a tassel is a great way to do just that. Upon receiving your diploma, students normally move their tassel from the left to the right side. Graduation tassels also make for great memorabilia for student who have graduated, many hang them from the mirror in their car or keep them on display at home. We only use the highest quality materials in the construction of our graduation attire so you know it will last you for years to come.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Tassel Colors.