With graduation just around the corner it is time to start thinking about what you are going to wear, you definitely don't want to procrastinate with your graduation attire. Dressing appropriately for your graduation ceremony is very important, you have worked so hard to achieve your goals and should be very proud of yourself. As your family and close friends come together in order to celebrate your success be sure to take a look around and enjoy this moment. If not for your many sacrifices and continuous efforts the outcome may have been substantially different. Here at Honors Graduation we have everything that you need to look sharp on this monumental day. We have all of your basic wardrobe options as well as an extensive list of accessories to make your outfit perfect, from cap & gowns to valedictorian medals we have you covered. If you are looking for Tassels we have an outstanding selection to choose from. Our maroon and gold graduation tassels are a stunning set, this pick would be a fine way to represent yourself amongst your peers.

Graduation Tassels are worn by most graduating students for a number of various reasons. Tassels can be a great way to show your appreciation to your school as well as your school spirit by choosing your school colors, this a common decision made by graduates. While many students wear their school colors, honor students and students who have earned other high achievements wear different colored tassels to show that they have put in the extra work. Many ceremonies follow the graduation tradition known as the turning of the tassels, upon receiving your diploma graduates will then be asked to move their tassels from the right to the left side of their cap to indicate the completion of their schooling.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Tassel Colors.