Graduation is a key component for any student, it signifies that you were able to overcome everything that stood in your way and that you can do anything that you set your mind too. We have graduations to honor each and every student for their hard work day in and day out, they have endured until the end and should be celebrated for all that they have accomplished. Though you may have come across a number of hardships throughout your time as a student I'm sure that you were able to make plenty of lasting friendships and some terrific memories as well. As you get together with your friends and family this graduation don't forget to take a moment to let it all sink in. As this segment of your life comes to a rest, the next stage will soon begin. Graduation cords along with a cap and gown are typically seen being worn by graduating students. Students who have received an achievement, wish to show their appreciation for their school, and even honor students wear graduation cords. At Honors Graduation we offer a large variety of graduation cords, our maroon and gold double cords are simply stunning.
At Honors Graduation we are here to help you look your best on your memorable day. To ensure the quality of the final product we start with a durable foundation, rayon is a tough yet elegant. Our graduation cords are made by braiding 3 strands of rayon together. Once both individual cords are complete we then tie them together in the center. The total length of the double cord set is 70 inches long. If you plan on hanging onto your graduation cords as a reminder of everything that you have been done then you won't have a problem with it getting frayed or the color fading over time thanks to the rayon.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.