Maroon and navy blue graduation cords are a perfect way to bring a feeling of pride and strength to your graduates on their commencement day. The maroon and navy blue cords represent confidence, courage, loyalty, and reliability. These are wonderful qualities for your graduates to embrace not only for their commencement ceremony but for the journey they are about to embark upon. Maroon and navy blue graduation cords can be used as primary or secondary cords. Honors Graduation has a large assortment of colors and honor cord variations for you to choose from. You can also choose whether you want a single, double or triple color cord. Most importantly our cords are priced competitively especially for the quality and fashionable cords you will receive. The maroon and navy blue graduation cords will each come braided with 3 strands (two of strands maroon and one strand navy blue). We make sure all of our cords are consistent on the same length and thickness, each cord will be 70 inches long and 1/4 inch in diameter and will have tassels at the end with combined colors of maroon and navy blue.
Honors Graduation keeps our customers in mind. Not only do we have great prices, but if you need to order honor cords in bulk, we offer a bulk discount. Our shipping is a flat rate and very fast, you should receive your graduation cords in 2-3 days from the time you order. When you are ready to order you can choose the colors and look at the pricing on our order page.
You can use honor cords to award your graduates that have excelled in a program or scholastics while at your school, or for participating in clubs, a fraternity, or an honor society. It is also very common to use school colors for a honor cord for graduates. If you your school colors are maroon and navy blue then the maroon and navy blue graduation cords would be a superb choice.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.