Graduation is a time where loved ones come together to celebrate all of the hard work and commitment that each student has put forth in order to reach this point. Even though you have made it here successfully, you did not make it this far without being faced with numerous obstacles and you deserve to be recognized for all of your efforts. As this chapter in your life comes to an end a new one will soon start. Look great among your peers during your ceremony with graduation apparel from Honors Graduation. Students typically wear a cap, gown, and graduation cords at the time of their graduation. Whether you are an honor student, have received special achievements, or want to show your school spirit, graduation cords done by Honors Graduation are a must have for your graduation outfit. Our light blue and green double graduation cords are an excellent choice and will do a great job to represent you this graduation. The soft light blue goes in perfect harmony with the natural green making this an admirable cord set that you will absolutely love.
Here at Honors Graduation we bring you the best options to choose from for all of your graduation wardrobe needs. Our graduation cords are made from a material called rayon which is captivating yet dependable. Each individual graduation cord is made by taking 3 strands of rayon and perfectly braiding them together. To make the light blue and green double graduation cord set we take a cord of each color and tie them together in the center, the final product measures 70 inches in length. With the durability of the cords you can be sure that you will have them for years to come incase you would like to hang onto them as a reminder of all that you have achieved.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.