As you are surrounded by supporting friends and family, take a moment during the time of your graduation to reflect on the hard work that it has taken you to get here and all of the important lessons that you learned along the way. Graduation is a time when we gather to honor those students who have shown up time and time again, determined to see it through to the end and have successfully completed their goals. Here at Honors Graduation we have everything that you might want or need to look your best for your graduation ceremony. We have tassels in gold and white that will give you that triumphant look you have been searching for. The gold is able to really shine when it is next to the white, which is a great neutral color. Students normally wear a cap and gown for graduation as well as either graduation cords or a tassel. A graduation tassel can be a great way to show your appreciation for your school or to separate yourself as an honor student. Whatever you decide to wear for your ceremony you can count on Honors Graduation to have the best quality graduation attire available and a customer service team that is happy to help!

Graduation tassels are usually worn on the cap and are moved from one side to the other after receiving ones diploma, our tassels are also able to be worn on gowns as well. Our two tone graduation tassels are made by combining the two separate colors together to get a half gold, half white tassel. We also offer charms for your tassel with your graduation year, we have years from 1988 up to the present. This is a nice touch if you plan on hanging onto your tassel as a keepsake. Many students hang their tassel in the mirror of their car or on display to remind themselves of all the things that they have achieved.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Tassel Colors.