Graduation is a celebration of a student completing their schooling to receive a diploma or degree, the most common graduations are high school or college. Graduation day is a day some have dreamed of since elementary school and after the years of commitment to their education and schooling, it has finally arrived. Gold and red graduation cords are a fantastic way to honor these graduates for all they have done. Graduation cords can be offered to show a certain honor for excelled academics, for being involved in chorus, band or being a part of student council. Gold and red graduation cords are a perfect way to display your school colors and will look amazing at the commencement ceremony. Each school has the ability to decide what achievements to offer honor cords for. If you are wanting your graduates to feel a sense of pride, ambition, leadership, optimism, wisdom, and confidence, then gold and red graduation cords are the way for you to go. The warm and shiny gold paired with the dramatic red results in cords that look splendid. All of Honors Graduation honor cords will come with 3 strands (2 gold and 1 red) that will be stylishly braided together. All cords will be 1/4 inch in diameter, 70 inches long and are made from the sturdy material rayon.
Gold and red graduation cords are a wonderful token for the graduates to keep for years to come and look back at this time in their lives.
Several schools have gold and red for their school colors and is a very popular color combination. A few schools that have gold and red as their school colors are University of Tampa and University of Southern California.
We are confident you and your graduates will love the vibrant gold and red graduation cords. We are here for you to order your honor cords for your commencement ceremony.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.