Please note - we also have graduation cords in Navy Blue and Gold.
Graduation is a big event where family and friends join together to celebrate an individual. And rightfully so as graduation is a day that many students look forward to almost as soon as they start school. The years of grooling homework and studying hard for tests are over when that day comes! Late nights of cramming and doing extra credit finally ends! And there is no better way to celebrate that day than dressing up and honoring the graduate and everything they did. Let our graduation cords help celebrate as they are the perfect accessory to the traditional cap and gown and work great in helping to represent all of the honors and clubs that the graduate participated in and earned.
Our gold and navy blue double graduation cords are one quarter inch thick and made of high quality rayon that makes them not only beautiful but durable. Two gold strands and one navy blue strand are intertwined together to make one cord. The cord has a tassel at each end and measures 70 inches from the end of one tassel to the end of the other.
Many well known colleges and universities use the colors navy blue and gold for their school colors. These schools include: Notre Dame, West Virginia University, and University of California schools. Gold and navy blue most often resembles the Navy and is the alma mater for the United States Naval Academy. These colors are worn proudly by those of the United States Navy Academy. Alpha Phi Sigma, Golden Key International Honour Society, Lambda Sigma, Mu Kappa Tau, Omicron Delta Epsilon, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Theta Kappa, and Pi Theta Epsilon also use gold and blue to represent their societies and clubs.
The gold and navy blue honor graduation cords work well with any color cap and gown and lay nicely on any height. The cords will last for years to come as to serve as a reminder and be cherished by the individual who earned them.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.