Graduation day is a very important day, it can signify one chapter of a graduate's life and a transition into a new beginning. Graduations are a way to acknowledge the achievements in the past as well as giving the graduate a sense of optimism and confidence moving forward. This chapter of their lives could bring back memories of friends, individuals that helped them succeed, or of honors they accomplished from their hard work. Honors Graduation is proud that we can be a small part of this commencement ceremony by offering graduation cords that you can give to your graduates to recognize their achievements. Our forest green and white graduation cords will be sure to please your graduates on their special day. The forest green and white honor cords really are an impressive combination. Forest green cords represent self-reliance, reliability, and hope. While the white cords show the qualities of optimism, new beginnings, and creativity. If your school colors are forest green and white then these graduation cords will be a great way to incorporate school pride and unity amongst your graduates. A few universities that have forest green and white as their school colors are Michigan State University, University of Wisconsin and University of Hawaii. We know how much these forest green and white graduation cords will mean to your graduates, it is common for graduates to save their honor cords for sentimental value.
You will be completely satisfied with the durability and elegance of our graduation cords. Rayon is the material we use to make our cords. The forest green and white graduation cords will come exquisitely braided. Each cord will have 3 strands, 2 forest green and one white and will measure 70 inches long. Honors Graduation is here to help you now to get your forest green and white graduation cords ordered now!
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.