Black and white graduation cords are a great way to show your graduate your pride in all their hard work. Nothing is more important to your graduates than feeling appreciated on graduation day. Offering them a black and white graduation cord can make a great impact, not only in recognizing their past accomplishments, but also in encouraging them in their future endeavors. Black and white honor cords represent the dedication and focus required to gain an education, and will remind your students of how far they have come to reach this momentous day.
Our black and white braided cords are a unique and fun way to honor your students. The cords are made from three different strands, two of which are black, and one of which is white. The black and white cord can be used to honor any number of achievements, whether your students have been particularly successful in their chosen field of study, or they've provided special service to the school, or they just have an inspiring amount of school spirit. Black and white are very common school colors, and some schools may want to use the black and white cord to recognize their honor roll students, or the valedictorian.
The black and white graduation cord looks great at any graduation ceremony, and will go with most colored graduation robes. Our cords are made from all synthetic rayon, and are not only beautiful, but also very durable. Your graduates will be able to cherish their black and white honor cords for years to come, remembering all they did to earn those cords, and all they've been able to accomplish since. Give your graduates the gift of black and white graduation cords, and help them take the next step in their educational experience. Order your black and white cords from Honors Graduation today.
Not what you're looking for? Check out our Complete List of Graduation Cord Colors.